Saturday, January 20, 2007

Globalwarming awareness2007 - It's Getting Hot In Here

Okay the weather down here in San Diego has been crazy. I'm talking below 30 degrees when I am used to shorts and t shirts during the winter. Now if this doesn't make you realize the need for globalwarming awareness in 2007 I don't know what will.

Friday, January 19, 2007

Globalwarming Awareness2007

Today we begin the process of discovering everything we can about globalwarming awareness and the decline of our cliamte. Globalwarming Awareness is critical in 2007 due to the extremes we are experiencing all over the world. This must change. Globalwarming will be the downfall of humanity if we do not give up the goat and learn everything we can about Globalwarming now. Lets change our world in 2007!